The Impact of Covid-19 on the EACMC

The Covid 19 pandemic had a massive impact on the Project and on the participating organizations. After the second activity was completed (Business Development Workshop in Dar es Salaam Feb. 2020), the grant was paused because all the partner countries went into lock-down.

The lock-down continued throughout 2020 and in some cases up till June 2021 which made it impossible to carry out any further activities. Initially the Campus planned for 2020 in Addis Abeba was postponed till 2021. The lack of flights and the impossibility of travel combined with the fact that the majority of the participants would only be able to get vaccinated in 2022 at the earliest made it very difficult to continue.

We were thus advised by our project officer that all the mobility projects were having great difficulties and that the best solution would be to end the project, account for the money which had been spent, and apply for a new grant which would take into account the new Covid reality. For this reason the consortium decided not to seek a grant amendment to extend the project into 2022.

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